Adam Hinojosa was barred repeatedly from operating businesses in Texas due to tax forfeiture. [3]
Can you trust Adam Hinojosa to make critical decisions if he can’t operate a business?
From the Caller Times: “rotten vegetables ...a dirty microwave, dirty reach-in coolers, roaches, flies not being thawed properly and dirty walls.”
Basic cleanliness and hygiene. Adam Hinojosa’s restaurant was disgusting. Is this who you think should be in charge?
Adam Hinojosa supports a scheme that would take your tax dollars away from our local schools to fund private schools for wealthy families in cities like Houston and Dallas. [4]
With Adam Hinojosa in charge, wealthy elites will get a tax break but the hard-working families of South Texas will still struggle to pay the bills, buy groceries, and make rent each month. [5]
Adam Hinojosa supports a scheme that would take your tax dollars away from our local schools to fund private schools for wealthy families in cities like Houston and Dallas. [4]
With Adam Hinojosa in charge, wealthy elites will get a tax break but the hard-working families of South Texas will still struggle to pay the bills, buy groceries, and make rent each month. [5]
Adam Hinojosa’s “South Texas Values” also mean denying healthcare coverage, no expansion for Medicaid, fewer teachers, crumbling schools
And no relief for the people who actually live here.
Paid for by the Morgan LaMantia for State Senate Committee